• Safer Spaces

  March 29, 2023

Safer Spaces: Transitioning Online

Our latest blog installment picks up as the project team gets ready to put the course online.

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Delivering course materials can be a complicated process, particularly when the content is emotive and the course is presented entirely online. The team spent six months scriptwriting, curating downloadable resources, designing the layout, selecting and recording professional voiceover talent to take on the audio component of the training, editing and more – all while keeping abreast of the latest information related to the subject of workplace sexual harassment.

“I always find that when a course goes from storyboard to online interactions, there are changes that happen. You see a different way to display something, or you see it on screen and it’s not quite right,” said MacDonald. “I usually try to get on screen as early as possible so we can take advantage of new ideas and make revisions with plenty of time to spare.”

Another helpful tactic is envisioning the potential impact of the project – in this case, reducing workplace sexual harassment. “This course can really help people and make a difference in the culture of a workplace – and that’s definitely motivating,” said MacDonald. “It’s helpful to remember that a lot of input has gone into the development of this course, and I know the cumulative contributions of our team have made it unique and significant.”

Nearing completion

“I’m looking forward to when the course is ready and we review it one last time before hitting the release button,” said Mallalieu. “I imagine there will be a lot of reflection at that point, realizing how far we’ve come and seeing that our hard work has paid off.”

Keep an eye out for our next blog post, which delves into the course content and shares a sneak peek of the training modules.

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