• Safety Basics

  April 4, 2023

Preventing Most Common Restaurant Injuries

As a restaurant operator, you cannot afford to have workers away from the job injured.

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2 min read

As a restaurant operator, you cannot afford to have workers away from the job injured. But the GOOD NEWS is, we know what the most common injuries are, and how to protect workers accordingly, helping your operations flow smoothly through the holiday season and into 2022!

Protect the staff you already have so you don’t have to hire new workers, especially in this tight labour market. This will save you time, money and effort in the long run.


Lacerations may occur when prepping food, slicing pizzas, using a meat slicer or washing the knives. Most incidents are caused by using a dull knife or using the wrong knife for the job.


Meat Slicers:


Heat Burns may occur when using deep fryers or grills, when handling hot plates, checking on a hot pot, taking something out of the oven, overheating the oil, or even dishwashing.

Hot Objects:

Deep Fryers:


Strains may occur when lifting heavy bags or boxes of food, performing constant repetitive motions such as chopping or stirring, or slipping on a wet or greasy floor. These injuries present themselves over time and should be proactively avoided.


Slips & Trips:

For more information, contact the go2HR Industry Health & Safety Team.

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