• Safety Basics

  April 6, 2023

Record Keeping

As an employer, you’re required to keep health and safety records and statistics on file, including inspections, incident investigations, first aid treatments, and training records.

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Why keep records?

Maintaining accurate records can help you do the following:

  • Identify trends for unsafe conditions or work practices so can you find solutions for these potential hazards.
  • Measure improvement in your health and safety program.
  • Provide proof of due diligence if someone tries to hold you liable for an incident.
  • Provide material for education and training.
  • Assist your case in a disputed WorkSafeBC claim.

Requirements for records and statistics

The following table specifies how long you must keep records and statistics.

Document How Long**
Records of any Meetings where safety topics were discussed (manager or staff meetings) 1 year
Worker Health and Safety Orientation and Training Records (forms must identify date, attendees, topics covered) 7 years (beyond end date of employment)
Disciplinary Action Forms 7 years
Hearing tests 7 years (beyond end date of employment)
Inspection Reports and Corrective Actions 1 year
Equipment Logbooks and Maintenance Records 1 year (beyond end of use date)
Near Miss Reports 3 years
First Aid Records 3 years
Claims Management Records (Form 7, Incident Investigations, Corrective Actions 3 years
Emergency Drill Records and Corrective Actions 2 years
Joint Health and Safety Committee Meeting Minutes or Worker Safety Rep Documents 2 years (beyond date of meeting)
Safety Committee / Safety Representative Training Records 2 years (beyond worker’s serving time)
Subcontractor Qualifications and Orientation Checklists 7 years


**Various timelines listed above are legally required and some are only industry best practices. Be sure to fulfill your responsibility of document retention through researching and confirming with legal representation.

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