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  June 12, 2012

BC Tourism Labour Market Investigation Strategy (2012)

In 2011, go2HR began the process of updating and refreshing the BC Tourism Human Resource Development Task Force Action Plan After 12 months of consultation with about 1,000 industry representatives and stakeholders, background research, a thorough analysis of trends and best practices, as well as an assessment of progress to-date on the HR Action Plan, go2HR is pleased to present the 2012 Tourism Labour Market Strategy.

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BC Tourism Labour Market Investigation Strategy

In 2011, go2HR began the process of updating and refreshing the BC Tourism Human Resource Development Task Force Action Plan After 12 months of consultation with about 1,000 industry representatives and stakeholders, background research, a thorough analysis of trends and best practices, as well as an assessment of progress to-date on the HR Action Plan, go2HR is pleased to present the 2012 Tourism Labour Market Strategy.

BC Tourism Labour Market Strategy – Summary

This summary document covers the job growth projections for the tourism industry leading up to 2020, including a look at key highlights, the challenges facing the industry, and the strategies and activities needed to recruit, retain and train the workers required to meet the province’s projected job growth.

BC Tourism Labour Market Strategy

This document includes a more in-depth review of relevant government policy initiatives, labour market trends, and tourism growth trends; a summary of key tourism labour market challenges; and, a vision for the future, supported by priority goals, strategies and activities to address the challenges.

BC Tourism Labour Market Strategy – Technical Report & Research Backgrounder

This is a detailed documentation on the background research and analysis that serve as the foundation of the Tourism Labour Market Strategy.



British Columbia’s tourism industry will be a leader in provincial job growth according to a study of labour demand and supply by go2HR, the BC tourism industry’s human resource association.



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go2HR is BC’s tourism and hospitality , human resources and health & safety association driving strong workforces and safe workplaces that deliver world class tourism and hospitality experiences in British Columbia. Follow us on LinkedIn or reach out to our team.

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