Cariboo Chilcotin Coast

Destination BC is Supporting its Valued Partners
Learn how Destination BC is supporting its valued partners and organizations that are important to tourism businesses in B.C.

B.C. launches plan to revitalize tourism, creating opportunities for people
Melanie Mark, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport discusses B.C.'s roadmap for revitalizing and rebuilding B.C.'s tourism industry.

CEO Krista Bax is Interviewed by WORTH
Woman of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality (WORTH) features CEO Krista Bax in their July 2020 newsletter.

CEO Krista Bax Joins the Tourism HR Canada Board
In 2020, Tourism HR Canada officially announces their new board members.

Businesses receive funding to revitalize tourism and enhance visitor experiences across British Columbia
PacifiCan announces its financial support to four tourism operators to help strengthen Canada's economy.

HR firm go2HR offers help to hard-hit businesses
BIV publishes an article about how go2HR's new programs and services are paving the way for tourism and hospitality business owners.
As tourism recovers, who will fill the jobs?
Pique Magazine features an article about go2HR's new B.C. Tourism and Hospitality Labour Market Information Research Project.
TOTA and go2HR Partner to Support Businesses on Occupational Health & Safety Through the Pandemic
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) and go2HR are partnering up to provide occupational health & safety support to Biosphere committed companies in B.C.