

WHMIS 2015: The Health Hazard Classes

Hazardous products are divided into two groups: physical hazards and health hazards. This toolbox meeting guide describes the 12 classes of health hazards.


WHMIS 2015: Classification Overview

This toolbox meeting guide describes how hazardous products are classified in WHMIS 2015.


WHMIS 2015: An Overview

This toolbox meeting guide provides an overview of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System and describes key changes from WHMIS 1988 to WHMIS 2015.


Program Administration and Review

Health and Safety, Basics, WorkSafeBC, Workplace Injury, Courses,


New Worker Assessment Checklist

This is a template for a New Worker Assessment Checklist form.


Training and Instruction of Employees Policy

This is a template for a Training & Instruction of Employees document.


Self-Assessment Guide for the Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) Program

This document is designed for the small employer to help assess and develop their safety management system (program). 


Room Attendants: Safety Video Series Discussion Guide

This guide supports the video series and posters that are aimed at preventing injuries to room attendants.


Room Attendant Safe Work Procedures

These posters support the video series and discussion guide that are aimed at preventing injuries to room attendants and include making beds, cleaning bathrooms, cloth wringing, high level dusting, emptying the trash and vacuuming.


Room Attendants: Safety Video Series

This video series provides safe work practices to help prevent injuries to room attendants. The videos show how to make beds, clean bathrooms, wring cloths, dust high surfaces, empty trash cans, and vacuum.