

Compensation Checklist

Ready to tackle your compensation strategy? Our easy-to-use Compensation Strategy Checklist is here to help! Use this checklist as a pulse check on your strategy as you uncover the key elements of a top-notch rewards plan.


How to Develop a Total Compensation Strategy?

Industry leaders have their Total Compensation strategy locked in and are using it as a competitive advantage. In this article, learn how to take full advantage of developing a Total Compensation strategy for your Tourism & Hospitality business.


How to Determine Wages – Small Employers Guide

Setting wages is a key aspect of running a business. In this article, learn how to determine wages as a small employer in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry in BC.


Understanding Staff Housing Through a Total Compensation Lens – 5 Tips for BC Tourism & Hospitality Employers

Staff housing can be a key part of a worker’s total compensation in many regions of the province. In this article, learn the 5 tips of Understanding Staff Housing Through a Total Compensation Lens fpr BC Tourism & Hospitality Employers.


BC’s New Pay Transparency Act

For all BC employers, BC’s new Pay Transparency Act is now in effect. The purpose of the new legislation is to close the gender pay gap which is the first step towards pay equity. Pay equity means all are paid the same wage for the same job. When salary is transparent, as is the goal of pay transparency, it helps level the playing field. Pay transparency reduces entrenched biases around pay and is a concerted effort to close racial and gender pay disparity.