Customer Service Training

Customer Service Training

Webinars for Tourism Employers

Each of the following recorded webinars are available for viewing on-demand. 

Customer Service Training

A Step By Step Approach to Determine Your Return on Training Investment

Organizations typically focus on measures of attendance, completion, and trainee satisfaction to determine the success of training initiatives. The problem is that these metrics fail to help the business understand if the training delivered the business impact that the training was intended to achieve. How do you determine if your investment in training is worthwhile?

Customer Service Training

Upskill Your Employees this Winter Season

It’s hard to believe we’re at that time of year again when many tourism and hospitality businesses begin planning for their next summer season. We know that planning for staffing levels in the busy season can be challenging at the best of times and this year is no exception. As many employers must do more with fewer resources and people, this is a crucial time to look inwards to understand and provide employees with upskilling needs and opportunities.

Customer Service Training

Types of Training to Boost Your Competitive Edge

How does employee training benefit your company? What difference does it make? Can it really make you more competitive?

Customer Service Training

Training Tips for Adult Learners

Adults learn at various rates and in different ways according to their intellectual ability, educational level, personality and cognitive learning styles.

Customer Service Training

Staff Training: Getting Them on the Path to Success

There’s no question that a solid training program can increase productivity, reduce turnover, improve customer service and enhance sales efforts. Nor can one deny that an effective training program can boost employees’ personal confidence and job satisfaction because they feel valued, appreciated and more committed to their employer.

Customer Service Training

Know How Your Employees Learn

None of us learn the same way. Some of us prefer learning from a textbook. Others enjoy the hands-on approach. No matter what, we all respond differently to learning.

Customer Service Training

Investing in Industry Certifications Can Benefit Employers and Staff

“Since I’m just going to lose them to someone else, why should I spend any money on recognition or certification for my staff?”

Customer Service Training

How To Make Training For Your Employees More Engaging? 10 Tips From Your Go2HR Training Team

Do you want to ensure that your employees not only learn but having fun while doing it? Engaging training sessions can increase learning and retention, and ensure application on the job that improves performance.

Customer Service Training

Engage Your Employees Through Coaching

Sue Adams, owner of The Whistler Grocery Store, has identified a number of circumstances in which she has found coaching to be invaluable.