Interviewing Process

Employer Branding: Branding Your Company as an Employer of Choice
Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Many of your businesses serve BC’s growing demand as a tourist destination by attracting the right employees. To remain competitive among employers for eligible workers, companies need to brand themselves as an employer of choice – as a great place to work.

Planning the Steps in Your Recruitment
How you plan your recruiting is important not only to ensure you find the right person for a job opening, but also because the costs of bad recruitment decisions can be very high in terms of both time and money.
Preparing & Conducting Interviews
Being well prepared and then conducting an interview methodically will help you make the most of this important recruitment tool.

Government Programs That Help You Find New Employees
The Federal and Provincial Governments have created programs that help bridge the gap between people receiving social assistance with businesses looking for employees. As you participate in these initiatives, your business becomes part of the solution — helping more people contribute to the economy while building your business at the same time. A win-win situation for everyone.
Tapping into BC’s Skilled and Growing Indigenous Labour Market
British Columbia's Indigenous Peoples are emerging as an important part of the solution to the labour shortages facing the province's tourism industry.
The Term Contract Trap
There are two types of employment contracts, indefinite and limited-term. The misuse of the latter, and the resulting liability, is a trap into which employers routinely stumble.
Why You Need Job Descriptions
Writing job descriptions is an important step in planning your staffing programs. They form the foundation for many important processes such as job postings, recruitment, selection, setting expectations, compensation, training and performance management.
Using Co-ops to Meet Seasonal Staffing Demands
Are you having trouble finding good staff for your upcoming busy season? Many employers have turned to co-operative education placements to ensure they have high-quality seasonal employees. Co-op placements allow a post-secondary student to spend up to eight months in a paid position working for you.
Problems Finding Talent? Head Back to Campus
More and more companies are focusing their attention on campuses to add human capital to their organizations and to lure the younger generation to replace the retiring baby boomers. Here is how your organization can be more successful with campus hiring and attracting a new generation of leaders

How to Hire and Manage Millennials
Learn to attract, manage and retain millennials. This group is sharp and capable, craving knowledge and success — just doing so in a different manner than what was done in the past. Facilitate the positive growth of your organization and capitalize on what is being referred to as the busiest generation ever. Your challenge is to get them busy working toward your business goals and success.