News Mar 26, 2024
HR Policy Checklist View
Your Results Thank you [935], for completing the HR Policy Checklist. Your results are below, along with accompanying resources to help you develop your internal policies, processes and capabilities. The results are only sent to you, unless otherwise specified. The checklist is very comprehensive and most users have many areas of potential development to consider.… Continue reading HR Policy Checklist View
Your Results
Thank you [935], for completing the HR Policy Checklist. Your results are below, along with accompanying resources to help you develop your internal policies, processes and capabilities.
The results are only sent to you, unless otherwise specified. The checklist is very comprehensive and most users have many areas of potential development to consider. You can email your Regional HR Consultant and share your results with them, if you choose. They will contact you and discuss the results and help create an action plan.
Good job in having all these policies & procedures in place. Your Regional HR Consultant can help with a policy handbook review if you want another set of eyes to review what you already have in place.
Policies in place:
[if 749 equals=”Y”]Standardized Job Postings[/if 749]
[if 784 equals=”Y”]Pay rates posted transparently on Job Postings[/if 784]
[if 750 equals=”Y”]Standardized Interview Process[/if 750]
[if 751 equals=”Y”]Reference checks[/if 751]
[if 752 equals=”Y”]Onboarding Checklist[/if 752]
[if 753 equals=”Y”]Employment of Domestic Students (Interns, Co-ops, Work Placement)[/if 753]
[if 754 equals=”Y”]Employment of Youth/Young Workers[/if 754]
[if 755 equals=”Y”]Employment of Temporary Foreign Workers[/if 755]
[if 756 equals=”Y”]Volunteer Policy[/if 756]
[if 757 equals=”Y”]Staff Housing/Accommodations Policy[/if 757]
[if 758 equals=”Y”]Attendance/Absenteeism Policy[/if 758]
[if 759 equals=”Y”]Bullying/Harassment Policy[/if 759]
[if 760 equals=”Y”]Annual Vacation Policy[/if 760]
[if 761 equals=”Y”]Statutory Holiday Policy[/if 761]
[if 762 equals=”Y”]Sick Days (illness/injury leave) Policy[/if 762]
[if 763 equals=”Y”]Pregnancy & Parental leave Policy[/if 763]
[if 764 equals=”Y”]Social Media Policy[/if 764]
[if 766 equals=”Y”]Staff Code of Conduct[/if 766]
[if 767 equals=”Y”]Uniform Policy[/if 767]
[if 768 equals=”Y”]Overtime Policy[/if 768]
[if 769 equals=”Y”]Substance Use in the Workplace[/if 769]
[if 765 equals=”Y”]Scheduled Performance Reviews[/if 765]
[if 770 equals=”Y”]Offboarding Checklist[/if 770]
[if 783 equals=”Y”]Exit Interviews[/if 783]
Below are the area’s that you answered “Not Documented or Support Needed”, along with accompanying resources to help you along in further developing your HR infrastructure. Not all of these need to be developed at once, and you can discuss your results, needs and priorities with your Regional HR Consultant to create a reasonable action plan.
[if 749 equals=”N”]
[/if 749]
[if 784 equals=”N”]
[if 750 equals=”N”]
[if 751 equals=”N”]
[if 752 equals=”N”]
[if 753 equals=”N”]
[if 754 equals=”N”]
[if 755 equals=”N”]
[if 756 equals=”N”]
[if 757 equals=”N”]
[if 758 equals=”N”]
[if 759 equals=”N”]
[if 760 equals=”N”]
[if 761 equals=”N”]
[if 762 equals=”N”]
[if 763 equals=”N”]
[if 764 equals=”N”]
[if 766 equals=”N”]
[if 767 equals=”N”]
[if 768 equals=”N”]
[if 769 equals=”N”]
[if 765 equals=”N”]
[if 770 equals=”N”]
[if 783 equals=”N”]
[if 749 equals=”NA”][/if 749][if 784 equals=”NA”][/if 784][if 750 equals=”NA”][/if 750][if 751 equals=”NA”][/if 751][if 752 equals=”NA”][/if 752][if 753 equals=”NA”][/if 753][if 754 equals=”NA”][/if 754][if 755 equals=”NA”][/if 755][if 756 equals=”NA”][/if 756][if 757 equals=”NA”][/if 757][if 758 equals=”NA”][/if 758][if 759 equals=”NA”][/if 759][if 760 equals=”NA”][/if 760][if 761 equals=”NA”][/if 761][if 762 equals=”NA”][/if 762][if 763 equals=”NA”][/if 763][if 764 equals=”NA”][/if 764][if 766 equals=”NA”][/if 766][if 767 equals=”NA”][/if 767][if 768 equals=”NA”][/if 768][if 769 equals=”NA”][/if 769][if 765 equals=”NA”][/if 765][if 770 equals=”NA”][/if 770][if 783 equals=”NA”][/if 783]