SuperHost® Training Provider

SuperHost® Training Provider Requirements

Please complete the form below if you are interested in becoming a Certified SuperHost® Training Provider. The application and approval process may take up to two weeks. Looking for more information? See if our Frequently Asked Questions have the answer.

Looking for the SuperHost® Instructor Application Form?

SuperHost® Instructor Application

SuperHost® Training Providers must provide a suitable environment for hosting a face-to-face course.


  • Ample space, light and air quality for class size
  • Required technology (computer with Microsoft PowerPoint or compatible software, projector and screen or other large display, and internet access)
  • Ensuring each student has access to a computer or other internet-enabled device and internet access to complete their exam at the end of the course
  • Required instructional supplies (e.g. flip charts and/or white boards as per program guide)
  • Suitable safety and security provisions (Implementing Health & Safety guidelines for students, instructors and staff during the pandemic impacted training environment)
  • Adequate washrooms

The training provider will be required to have on record one completed facility checklist per facility used to deliver a SuperHost course and submit a copy of their Health & Safety plan to go2HR. The facility checklist template will be provided by go2HR.

SuperHost Training Providers are responsible for the following administrative tasks:

  • Providing go2HR with training provider contact information for listing on go2HR’s website and tracking in go2HR’s learning management system (LMS) and accounting systems
  • Providing details of any and all public courses for approval and posting on go2HR website and tracking in go2HR’s LMS
  • Providing go2HR with details of any and all private courses for tracking in go2HR’s LMS
  • Coordinating delivery with a Certified SuperHost Instructor in good standing
  • Collecting registration information from students and submitting to go2HR in the prescribed format (i.e. a spreadsheet template as provided by go2HR)
  • Collecting payment from students and remitting the per student certification fee to go2HR for each student attending a SuperHost course.
  • Managing any student cancellations and refunds and notifying go2HR of any changes to the class list
  • Confirming student registration and instructor information is correct in go2HR’s LMS and that each student has their own active account prior to course start

SuperHost Training Providers are required to have the following in place with go2HR prior to commencing training:

  • A current, valid licensing agreement as a SuperHost Training Provider with go2HR
  • WorkSafeBC coverage and adequate insurance, or equivalent coverage and insurance under US Federal and State laws, or other local laws

SuperHost Training Providers will be licensed to use the SuperHost trademarks and logo in the following ways, with no other uses permitted without written approval from go2HR:

  • Use of logo and/or trademark on training provider’s website and other channels in conjunction with course listings and promotional material according to go2HR’s guidelines for trademark use and attribution
  • Production and distribution of marketing materials provided or approved by go2HR

Certified SuperHost® Training Providers will be required to maintain their certification by:

  • Delivering a minimum of 2 SuperHost courses in each 12-month period following the initial certification date
  • Adhering to terms and conditions of SuperHost Training Provider License Agreement

Further information will be provided upon receipt of a completed SuperHost Training Provider application.

SuperHost Training Provider Application

Organization Information

Organization Address
Organization Address
Street Address 1
Street Address 2
Postal Code
What best describes your organization?

Maximum file size: 516MB

Primary Contact Information

Primary Contact Name
Primary Contact Name

Accounts Payable Contact Information

Accounts Payable Name
Accounts Payable Name

If you have any additional questions, please Contact Us and we will happily assist you further.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Secondary and post-secondary institutions offering workplace skills training in the curriculum
  • Business or industry organizations offering customer service training to members or stakeholders
  • Employers wanting to include SuperHost as part of their in-house training program
  • Organizations offering skills training to prospective and current front-line employees

A. If your organization meets our SuperHost Training Provider Requirements, you may fill out an application form. Our team will follow up to schedule an interview to collect more information. If your organization is deemed suitable to become a Training Provider, we will set up an agreement with you and make further arrangements to help you set up.

A. There is no direct cost associated with becoming a Training Provider. However, as a Training Provider, you will be responsible for any cost(s) associated with administering the training (e.g. facility rental, instructor fees, printing, etc.)